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Simplifying the process of transportation in Lagos

Citybike is a bike hailing app designed to make transportation in Lagos simpler and more convenient. The app connects users with reliable and trained bike riders who are familiar with the city's routes and traffic patterns, ensuring a fast and efficient journey. With affordable fares, easy payment options, and a user-friendly interface, Citybike is an excellent solution for navigating Lagos's busy streets.

  • My Role

    Product Designer

  • Company


  • Industry


Citybike app screenshots

Defining the Problem

Travel time is a huge issue for Lagosians, especially when it comes to commuting. The number of hours spent stuck in traffic is tiresome for many, and the tension that sitting for too long causes to the body causes many young Lagosians moving around the city on a daily basis severe discomfort.

Hypotheses of the Problem

Hypotheses are testable assumptions that serve as the foundation for further research to either confirm or refute the hypothesiis. The following are hypotheses I set out to verify this case:

  • Lagosians are irritated by traffic
  • In Lagos, there is a sizeable population of the city concerned about their health
  • The recent floods in many parts of the city have made many residents environmentally conscious and interested in being more ecologically friendly
Citybike mobile app screenshots

Conducting research

The research's purpose is to gather information that, when processed will provide insight into the user or target audience's perspective. This would ensure that the “voice of the audience” is heard throughout the design process, and that the final solution has a high user adoption rate.

This phase entails determining who the product's ultimate user will be, allowing me to develop a more rich experience that will become natural extensions of the audience. To clarify, I posed the following query

Who will use this Solution?

Commuting is a huge part of practically everyone's life in Lagos, where I live. As a result, identifying the target audience was not difficult. I expected that at least six of the items on the list below would be checked by my end- user.

  1. A frequent commuter
  2. Knows how to ride
  3. No major health issues
  4. Has familiarity with the route (handling maps and cycling can be difficult)
  5. Conscious about the environment (making effort to be eco friendly)
  6. Age: 18-30 (Ideal age group who are fit to ride)
  7. Psychographic: Tech savvy
  8. Education: Educated and/or highly skilled professional
  9. Interest: Travel, fitness, Wellness, Lifestyle

User Persona

black & white image of a young man
black & white image of a young man

Mike, 28, Commuter

“The best mode of transportation is bicycling because it is convenient, healthful, and time and cost effective”


Mike is a 30-year-old working professional who lives and works in Lagos' Lekki neighborhood. he works full-time for a startup company. He spends his days off doing physical activities and spending quality time with his friends.


  • Able to arrive on time
  • Avoid traffic
  • Live a healthy life
  • To have access to bikes within the city


  • Hard to find bike stations
  • Bike Unlocking Issues
  • No navigation in app
  • Unable to find an available bike getting to the bike station

User Story

“As a worker, I want to avoid traffic and long queues on public transportation so that I can get to work on time”

“As a student, I want to have easy access to transportation so that I can go to my next class on time”

“As a sports enthusast, i want to be able to exercise while commuting so that I can stay in shape.

User Flow

Mapping the flow of the app is the best way to structure thoughts, ideas and solutions to see the whole picture of the app. I first sketched it on paper and then digitally rendered it.

userflow chart for citybike

Creating a Moodboard

After that, I made sketches and described every step of the flowchart. Due to a time constraint, I was unable to complete all instances and screens

Style Guide

Because we made our app to the specific city- Lagos (Eko), I decided to choose the same colors which you are surrounded by on the city streets.

When you think of commuting in the city of Lagos, you think YELLOW.


This is a represesntation of Lagos' major bridge icon with a man riding a bike in the beautiful city

Colour Palette

citybike color palletes


archivo font


citybike headings


citybike paragraphs


The Onboarding screen welcomes the users to the product and also has a login and register button for returning and new users. The signup screen is streamlined to phone number registration (making use of native device capabilities)

Picking up a ride

(Triggered by “Shedule Ride”)

This flow covers when a user's booking has been confirmed and the bike is ready for pickup. This also includes how a user unlocks a bike, navigates the map (optional), and ending a ride.

Booking a Ride

(Triggered by “Ride Now”)

This flow describes what happens when a user clicks “Ride Now”, indicating that they are at a bike station and ready to pick up a bike and go for a ride.

Unlocking a Bike

(Triggered by “Ride Now”)

This flow covers when a user's booking has been confirmed and the bike is ready for pickup. This also includes how a user unlocks a bike, navigates the map (optional), and ending a ride.

Next Step and Learnings

Despite the fact that the design has not been thoroughly tested, I asked three people what they thought about not having your payment information requested at the start of the registration process.

They said no, implying that they'd rather get it after they'd registered and chosen an available bike.

However, conducting more usability testing on the design will help improve the overall experience and performance of the app. Several enhancements could be made on the present app design, for example, to design a multi-access system (opportunity to unlock several bikes from the same app account).

Additionally, health enthusiasts can benefit from a more extensive health management feature, as well as a variety of other benefits.

Working on this project taught me a lot of new things. The subscription model used by various bike sharing apps, and how important it was to the economic model, was one of the most important lessons learned.

working on this project was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

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  • City Bike

    Citybike is a bike hailing app designed to make transportation in Lagos simpler and more convenient. It connects users with reliable and trained bike riders who are familiar with the city's routes and traffic patterns, ensuring a fast and efficient journey.